Lost & Found: How Experts Can Help Locate Hidden Assets and Income in a Divorce

In Alberta, the parties to a family law proceeding are required to disclose all relevant financial information necessary to help a court properly determine the appropriate amount of spousal or child support, as well as a fair and equitable division of assets. Suppose a party fails to provide full disclosure as requested or provides inaccurate… Continue reading Lost & Found: How Experts Can Help Locate Hidden Assets and Income in a Divorce

Contact Order for Grandparents Set Aside Due to Misapplied Legal Test

When parents divorce, it is presumed that each parent will be entitled to parenting time and decision-making authority with respect to their child unless it is determined that this would not be in the child’s best interests. Parents who wish to apply for, or change their current parenting time order, may bring an application in… Continue reading Contact Order for Grandparents Set Aside Due to Misapplied Legal Test

Dividing Business Interests After Separation or Divorce

The division of property in any divorce or separation can be a complex undertaking. The process can become especially tricky when there are business interests involved. Whether a couple co-owns a small family business or owns or shares a business with others, the task of evaluating and dividing the business can be difficult to navigate.… Continue reading Dividing Business Interests After Separation or Divorce

When a Matrimonial Home Isn’t Subject to Equalization

In Canada, it is a commonly held belief that when a married couple divorces, each spouse is entitled to a fifty-fifty split down the middle with respect to the property they share, including all bank accounts, cars, homes, and other assets. Where it is not possible to split the asset itself, such as the family… Continue reading When a Matrimonial Home Isn’t Subject to Equalization

Study Shows Better Supports Are Needed For People Considering Divorce

A wealth of research has been conducted into the common predictors or causes of divorce and the impact of divorce on families and children. However, there has been little formal research into the specific approaches couples think of divorce and how they ultimately decide to take that step or to stay married and work on… Continue reading Study Shows Better Supports Are Needed For People Considering Divorce

How Does Bankruptcy Impact Property Division and Financial Support in a Divorce?

Financial problems, such as ever-expanding debt, can be a source of extreme stress for individuals and families in Canada, which is why they are often cited as a leading cause of divorce and separation. Conversely, divorce and separation can also prompt financial troubles, with families going from one shared household to two. In cases of… Continue reading How Does Bankruptcy Impact Property Division and Financial Support in a Divorce?