Mincher Koeman: A Modern Client Experience

At Mincher Koeman, we understand that when people are in the process of separating and dismantling their relationship, their world is in turmoil. They need to retain a firm that understands that and will work with them to make the process move smoothly and swiftly. We understand that any delay in the process of separating… Continue reading Mincher Koeman: A Modern Client Experience

Double Dipping & Support Valuation

One of the more complex issues a couple will face when divorcing or ending a common-law relationship is that of sorting out support obligations and equalizing the value of the net family property. A particularly complex issue around determining spousal support is that of ‘double-dipping’ with respect to income earned from property that has already… Continue reading Double Dipping & Support Valuation

The ‘Rule of 65’ & Indefinite Support

When people are divorcing or ending a long-term relationship, they must often confront the idea of spousal support. While the general concept is well-understood, there are some specific terms that people often have questions about. In this post, we will address two related concepts: indefinite support and the ‘Rule of 65’. What is ‘Indefinite Support’?… Continue reading The ‘Rule of 65’ & Indefinite Support

Should A Parent’s Access to Their Children Differ From Child to Child?

When spouses divorce and they share multiple children, most people would assume that a parent’s access to one child would equal their access to another. However, that may not always be the case. Canadian courts must strike a delicate balance between two (sometimes) opposing concepts: the best interests of the child, and what is known… Continue reading Should A Parent’s Access to Their Children Differ From Child to Child?

Revisiting Spousal Support Obligations in Light of Material Change

Entitlement to, and the quantum of, spousal support is generally determined at the time of a divorce proceeding. However, life is full of change, and the circumstances that were applicable to the parties at the time of the divorce may diverge considerably after the fact. One party may lose the ability to work or secure… Continue reading Revisiting Spousal Support Obligations in Light of Material Change

What About the Family Pet? Pet Ownership After a Relationship Ends

Many people think about what will happen to their children in the event of a separation or divorce, particularly as it relates to child support or custody and access. But what about pets? Many pet owners think of their furry (or not furry) friends as family members. Unfortunately, the courts and the law don’t necessarily… Continue reading What About the Family Pet? Pet Ownership After a Relationship Ends