Facilitating Parenting Time with the Other Parent After Divorce

After a divorce, the parties need to consider the child’s best interests when co-parenting. In many situations, although not every situation, this may involve ensuring that each party has parenting time with the children as agreed upon or by court order. Generally, a parent is expected to ensure that they are facilitating rather than restricting… Continue reading Facilitating Parenting Time with the Other Parent After Divorce

Alberta Family Law Cases Can Be Dismissed For Lengthy Delays

Going through a divorce can be a very difficult process. While many desire an efficient and satisfactory outcome, this is not always true. Family law cases can go on for extensive periods if the issues are complex or the parties do not agree on several matters. If the parties proceed through litigation, it may take… Continue reading Alberta Family Law Cases Can Be Dismissed For Lengthy Delays

Reduction of Child Support Denied Due to Non-Disclosure

During a divorce, each party must provide proper financial disclosure for several key issues, including property division and the determination of child support and spousal support. Each party is required to provide full and complete financial disclosure, and the courts do not take this obligation lightly. Significant consequences can exist if a party does not… Continue reading Reduction of Child Support Denied Due to Non-Disclosure

Corporate Share Bonus Equally Divided as Family Property

During a divorce, parties must either decide how to divide their assets or have a court decide for them. Various types of property can be considered family property. Some common family assets include the matrimonial home, other real estate, and corporate shares held by one or more of the parties. These assets can be very… Continue reading Corporate Share Bonus Equally Divided as Family Property

When Is the Valuation Date for Matrimonial Property Division?

During a divorce, the parties must address how to divide their matrimonial property. In some cases, there are significant assets involved. The value of those assets could have also increased significantly during the marriage such that they are extremely valuable by the time of trial. For instance, it is common for real estate to increase… Continue reading When Is the Valuation Date for Matrimonial Property Division?

How to Navigate Division of Overseas Matrimonial Property

In order to make an order for matrimonial property division, the court requires evidence of all the property that may be available for division. This may include properties that exist overseas. As a result, it can be more difficult to obtain the required evidence regarding these overseas properties or interests, as these are managed by… Continue reading How to Navigate Division of Overseas Matrimonial Property