Dividing High-Value Corporate Real Estate of Family Business in Divorce

Parties looking to get a divorce may have run a business together. After the breakdown of the marriage, the parties need to determine how to divide the property, including the business or businesses that operated during the marriage.  This can be a complex issue after the business has grown significantly and its value has increased.… Continue reading Dividing High-Value Corporate Real Estate of Family Business in Divorce

Understanding Dissipation or ‘Wasting’ of Family Assets

Before property is divided upon divorce, one of the parties may hold and have control over the particular asset. This may raise concerns for the other party, who may believe that the spouse controlling the property may be ‘wasting’ the asset, meaning that they are decreasing the value of the asset in some way, which… Continue reading Understanding Dissipation or ‘Wasting’ of Family Assets

Buying Out Your Partner’s Interest in the Family Home After Divorce

To obtain a divorce, the parties must decide how to divide their assets, including a family (or matrimonial) home. In some cases, one spouse may remain in the family home after separation, and they may want to buy out their ex-spouse’s interest in the house to keep it rather than sell it. There may be… Continue reading Buying Out Your Partner’s Interest in the Family Home After Divorce

What Happens to Business Assets After a Divorce?

You or your ex-spouse may own a business, which raises the question of what happens to the business’s assets when getting divorced. In this article, we will discuss the concept of “piercing the corporate veil” and how this may have impacted the division of business assets due to a divorce. We will provide key takeaways… Continue reading What Happens to Business Assets After a Divorce?

How Should I Prepare for My First Meeting with a Family Lawyer?

Preparing for a divorce or separation is never an easy task. However, retaining an experienced family lawyer to guide you through the process and take action on your behalf can considerably help to reduce your stress. The first meeting you have with your lawyer will be important to give them a big-picture view of your… Continue reading How Should I Prepare for My First Meeting with a Family Lawyer?

Alberta’s ‘Parenting After Separation’ Course: What to Expect

When parents of minors are separating or divorcing, one of the most challenging yet important goals the parents have will be to maintain a positive and productive dynamic for the sake of the children. The focus of all family law litigation, court decisions, and alternative dispute resolution proceedings when there are children involved is to… Continue reading Alberta’s ‘Parenting After Separation’ Course: What to Expect