Digital Tools Can Make Life Easier for Separating Couples

Couples who are separating, particularly in a high-conflict situation, often find communication difficult, if not impossible. Finding ways to facilitate collaboration, particularly when dealing with parenting issues, can allow a couple to make arrangements and structure parenting time without needing to talk. Further, these tools can help to keep a record of agreed-upon terms and… Continue reading Digital Tools Can Make Life Easier for Separating Couples

Mincher Koeman: A Modern Client Experience

At Mincher Koeman, we understand that when people are in the process of separating and dismantling their relationship, their world is in turmoil. They need to retain a firm that understands that and will work with them to make the process move smoothly and swiftly. We understand that any delay in the process of separating… Continue reading Mincher Koeman: A Modern Client Experience

Reproductive Assistance and Contract Law (or, who gets the embryo?)

In a unique decision out of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the parties to the matter were a divorced couple who disagreed about the use of frozen embryo that had been cultured prior to their separation. In S.H. v. D.H., 2018 ONSC 4506 the parties had contracted with a medical provider in the United… Continue reading Reproductive Assistance and Contract Law (or, who gets the embryo?)

Revenge Porn – Options for Victims

We have previously written about Revenge Porn and some of the legal options available to victims of Revenge Porn, either under the Criminal Code of Canada, or by way of tort-like actions taken under relatively new Provincial Legislation, the Protecting Victims of Non-consensual Distribution of Intimate Images Act.  However, while legal action under these two… Continue reading Revenge Porn – Options for Victims

Data Protection, Security, and the Law Firm

Cybercrime and security hacking are well known, and most everyone is familiar with stories of hackers hijacking satellites or breaching government agencies.  However, cybercrime also effects and targets individuals, small businesses, and more and more frequently, law firms. This past year, the American Bar Association published an article setting out recent cybercrimes that had taken… Continue reading Data Protection, Security, and the Law Firm

Categorized as Technology

Revenge Porn – A Landmark Case from the UK

As more and more people are fighting back against exes posting “revenge porn” online, the Courts, the media, and society are taking more notice. Just this week in the United Kingdom, an online celebrity won a significant case against her ex-boyfriend after he posted sexually explicit videos of her on the internet. The Government of… Continue reading Revenge Porn – A Landmark Case from the UK