Mincher Koeman recently welcomed a new associate to our ranks and will soon be expanding our service areas into the assisted reproduction field.

Introducing Jay Moch, a Family Lawyer Focusing on LGBTQ2SIA+ Issues

Jay was born and raised in Calgary. Prior to joining our firm, Jay attended both undergraduate studies and law school at the University of Calgary. During law school, he founded the Calgary Pro Bono Students Canada Trans ID Clinic. The clinic is an initiative, which works in conjunction with the Skipping Stone Foundation, aimed at providing free legal services to assist transgender and gender diverse people with amending and obtaining their legal identification to reflect their affirmed gender identity.

Jay was also a founder and president of the University of Calgary chapter of OUTLaw, a social, educational, and political forum for LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals and their allies to engage in discussion and legal networking, and to promote awareness within the legal and wider communities.

Jay began his legal career practicing at a corporate law firm in Calgary before joining Mincher Koeman in 2021. Jay’s practice at the firm will encompass all aspects of family law, with a focus on LGBTQ2SIA+ legal issues including:

As an LGBTQ2SIA+ individual, Jay is keenly aware of the specific family law considerations unique to the community. He is looking forward to servicing this underrepresented segment of the Calgary population in the years ahead.

Mincher Koeman Expands Family Practice to Assisted Reproduction Law

Mincher Koeman has long provided Calgary families with a diverse array of family law services, and we are excited to announce a formal expansion of our in-house services to include fertility, assisted reproduction, surrogacy, and adoption issues.

As a long-time and proud supporter of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community, we have always advocated on behalf of clients of all gender identities, expressions, and sexual orientations. However, we are extremely proud to welcome Jay and expand our services in this area. We offer our queer and gender diverse clients an environment free of judgment, and full of compassion and understanding.

Our new service areas will focus on the various forms of assisted reproduction, including:

  • Sperm donation
  • Egg donation
  • Surrogacy
  • Adoption

While our practice is certainly not limited to the LGBTQ2SIA+ world, we want our clients to know we provide supportive and informed advocacy across the spectrum of queer family law issues.

For all clients looking to address family law concerns related to assisted reproduction, we provide custom-tailored and comprehensive contracts for a variety of scenarios. We encourage clients to seek us out as early in the process as possible in order to reduce the chances for conflict later on between the parties involved.

The earlier a contract is drafted, the easier the terms will be to enforce, should a dispute arise. If each party is shown to have the same intentions at the outset and before any significant steps have been taken, there is less chance for a future misunderstanding to develop. In addition, a carefully drafted contract signed in the early stages of the reproductive process lets a court know that everyone was informed of their role at the outset, making it more difficult to challenge the terms in the future.

Keep an eye on our website, as we will be adding more content soon to reflect this expanded area of practice, and how Mincher Koeman can support our clients in this regard.

Contact Mincher Koeman for Renowned and Proficient Advocacy in Family, LGBTQ2SIA+, and Indigenous Matters

At Mincher Koeman in Calgary, our team treats every client with empathy and compassion above all else. We pride ourselves on offering clients attentive and comprehensive legal services at a law firm that’s accessible and forward-thinking. Please contact our office to make an appointment to discuss your matter with one of our lawyers today online or by calling us at 403-910-3000.

A team above all. Above all a team.

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707 7 Ave SW #1300,
Calgary, AB T2P 3H6

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621 10 St #101
Canmore, AB T1W 2A2

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