Common-Law Couples Subject to Family Property Division in Alberta

Relationships can take many different forms. Partners may choose to avoid getting married or separately manage their own assets. However, that does not mean they are exempt from Alberta’s family property division regime. For common-law couples that meet certain criteria, they will be considered adult interdependent partners. The family property regime in Alberta will apply… Continue reading Common-Law Couples Subject to Family Property Division in Alberta

When Are Common-Law Couples Considered Separated?

Relationships can vary widely; some couples may choose not to get married despite being in a marriage-like relationship. This decision is based on personal preference, but the legislation and the courts still recognize that certain rights can arise from a long-term relationship, even if the parties are not married. This is because the parties may… Continue reading When Are Common-Law Couples Considered Separated?

Parties Obligated to Seek Value of Family Property for Division

When it comes to a divorce, the family property will need to be divided. One of the key issues concerning family property division is determining the property’s value. To properly value the family property, parties must make appropriate disclosures. However, this is often a difficult process if one or more of the parties do not… Continue reading Parties Obligated to Seek Value of Family Property for Division

Corporate Share Bonus Equally Divided as Family Property

During a divorce, parties must either decide how to divide their assets or have a court decide for them. Various types of property can be considered family property. Some common family assets include the matrimonial home, other real estate, and corporate shares held by one or more of the parties. These assets can be very… Continue reading Corporate Share Bonus Equally Divided as Family Property

Business Investments Unequally Divided Due to Lack of Contribution

When parties get a divorce, they must divide their family property. Family property may include business investments that the parties held during the marriage. In some situations, one of the parties may have been more involved with managing the business investments during the marriage and acquired them before the marriage began. This is significant, as… Continue reading Business Investments Unequally Divided Due to Lack of Contribution

When Is the Valuation Date for Matrimonial Property Division?

During a divorce, the parties must address how to divide their matrimonial property. In some cases, there are significant assets involved. The value of those assets could have also increased significantly during the marriage such that they are extremely valuable by the time of trial. For instance, it is common for real estate to increase… Continue reading When Is the Valuation Date for Matrimonial Property Division?