Nova Scotia Court Issues Unprecedented Sentence for Violating Child Support Order

In a case we first wrote about in August 2020, regarding a father who had a long history of avoiding his court-ordered child support obligations, the father has since been found guilty of contempt of court. Just last month, the court sentenced the father to prison for his actions, issuing the longest sentence for the… Continue reading Nova Scotia Court Issues Unprecedented Sentence for Violating Child Support Order

A Step-Parent’s Financial Obligations After Death

In most cases of parents separating from one another, there will be some form of child support ordered or settled upon between the parties. It is the duty of every parent with means to ensure the financial support of their children, even if the parenting arrangements do not permit regular contact with their child, or… Continue reading A Step-Parent’s Financial Obligations After Death

Alberta Child Support Arrears on the Rise

As we head rapidly into the holiday season, many families in Alberta are feeling some level of financial strain owing in large part to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 crisis. One indicator of this strain is an increase in arrears in child and spousal support payments in the province. According to a recent article… Continue reading Alberta Child Support Arrears on the Rise

A Broken System? NS Mother Faces New Setback Trying to Enforce Child Support

Obtaining an award for child support in court or through mediation or arbitration often seems like the final step in taking care of the children of divorce. Once the award is issued, this creates a legal obligation for the payor, and legal remedies for the payee if the payor fails to live up to their… Continue reading A Broken System? NS Mother Faces New Setback Trying to Enforce Child Support

Women with Children Disproportionately Affected by the Pandemic

In last week’s blog, we discussed the ways in which the various options for school restarting in the fall could impact shared parenting plans. This week, we continue our look at how the pandemic is taking a toll on parents by focusing on how mothers are facing a disproportionate struggle, and in many cases are… Continue reading Women with Children Disproportionately Affected by the Pandemic

“Bad Faith” and the Imputation of Income in Alberta

A recent decision of the Alberta Court of Appeal has called long-standing authorities on child support and variation into question, particularly around the concepts of support when parenting is shared equally, under-employment and “bad faith”. In the case at hand, the mother and father had a brief romantic relationship that resulted in the birth of… Continue reading “Bad Faith” and the Imputation of Income in Alberta