Parental Decision-Making in High-Conflict Cases

After separation, it can be difficult to maintain cooperative co-parenting when the parties cannot make joint decisions over the child’s health, education, where they reside, etc. Even when both parents can look out for the child’s best interests, there may be disagreement on how this is to be achieved. However, one party may need to… Continue reading Parental Decision-Making in High-Conflict Cases

The Use of Parenting Assessments in High-Conflict Family Disputes

Family courts have one primary consideration when deciding on parenting matters: the child(ren) ‘s best interests. Whether deciding on where a child should spend their time (parenting time) or who should have the right to make decisions about important issues such as medical care or religious upbringing (decision-making authority), the driving factor behind every court… Continue reading The Use of Parenting Assessments in High-Conflict Family Disputes

An Overview of Parenting Arrangements

The parenting arrangements for children post-separation or divorce can take many forms and often evolve over time. Below, we will provide an overview of how parenting plans are determined and the different ways parenting may be structured after a separation. Further, we’ll examine various methods open to parents who may wish to change or amend… Continue reading An Overview of Parenting Arrangements

Conduct of Child Services is a Fair Consideration in Custody Hearings

Matters of child protection are extremely fraught and stressful for any family, and they can have a very significant and long-term impact on a child’s overall wellbeing and relationships. When the Director of Children’s Services intervenes by apprehending a child, they have a great deal of authority in deciding where the child will live and… Continue reading Conduct of Child Services is a Fair Consideration in Custody Hearings

Who Can Be Considered a “Parent” in Alberta?

The concept of the family has changed and evolved considerably in Canada in recent years. Many families in Alberta stray from the traditional idea of a nuclear family including a mother, a father, and their biological children. People are increasingly using assisted reproductive methods to become parents, such as in-vitro fertilization or surrogacy (with or… Continue reading Who Can Be Considered a “Parent” in Alberta?

Courts Place Restrictions on Parenting Time for Unvaccinated Fathers

The decision to obtain one of the available COVID-19 vaccines is an individual choice. However, over the past few months, several policies have been put in place across the country that can limit a person’s activities or even employment prospects if they opt-out of the vaccine. In determining whether to uphold these policies, courts are… Continue reading Courts Place Restrictions on Parenting Time for Unvaccinated Fathers