Child’s Pandemic Anxiety Causes Parenting Dispute

While the entirety of the past year has been difficult, many people may be finding themselves dealing with increased mental health concerns as we near the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 protocols in Canada. Not only do we live life differently in public now, but we are also largely much more isolated. As new variants take… Continue reading Child’s Pandemic Anxiety Causes Parenting Dispute

Polyamorous Relationship Complicates Parenting Amid COVID Protocols

There has been no shortage of parenting disputes related to the ever-changing COVID-19 protocols implemented throughout the country since March 2020. There have been disputes over whether a child should attend school in person, and how a parent’s adherence to social distancing and hygiene protocols should impact their ability to see their children. In a… Continue reading Polyamorous Relationship Complicates Parenting Amid COVID Protocols

Alberta Court Denies Divorce Pending Full Financial Disclosure

When a couple decides to divorce, the general rule is that a divorce will be granted after a couple has been separated for one year. While there are often a number of issues to be resolved in relation to the divorce, such as spousal support and the division of assets, courts will sometimes permit the… Continue reading Alberta Court Denies Divorce Pending Full Financial Disclosure

Study Shows Child Marriage a Concern in Canadian Communities

In Canada, the legal age of consent for marriage is 18, however, many provinces have exceptions for those aged 16 and 17 if they have permission from parents and legal guardians. Marriage under 16 is illegal across the country, even if all parties consent. Despite the law, a recent study conducted out of Mcgill University… Continue reading Study Shows Child Marriage a Concern in Canadian Communities

Nova Scotia Court Issues Unprecedented Sentence for Violating Child Support Order

In a case we first wrote about in August 2020, regarding a father who had a long history of avoiding his court-ordered child support obligations, the father has since been found guilty of contempt of court. Just last month, the court sentenced the father to prison for his actions, issuing the longest sentence for the… Continue reading Nova Scotia Court Issues Unprecedented Sentence for Violating Child Support Order