In Alberta, divorcing parties with children under the age of 18 are required to take the Parenting After Separation (PAS) course before they are able to file for Divorce.  While unmarried parents of children are not required to take the PAS course when separating, if either party wishes to bring an application for a parenting order, the Courts will require the filing party to first complete the PAS course.

PAS is a course that can be completed either online, or in person at the Courthouse, and it is intended to provide separating parties with information about the separation and divorce process, the impact of separation on children and the importance of proper communication with your ex.  PAS also teaches parties about the needs of children and how they can be focused on, even subsequent to the breakdown of a relationship.

For parties who find themselves engaged in high conflict situations with their ex, and who are unable to escape the conflict, the Courts also offer a Parenting After Separation for Families in High Conflict (PASHC).  This course assists parties in learning how to disengage from conflict with the other parent, how to develop parallel parenting plans in high conflict separations, and the harms to children from being at the centre of a high conflict separation.

The PASHC course is offered in both Calgary and Edmonton at the Courthouse and is a three-hour course that is typically jointly taught by a trained mediator and a lawyer.  Starting this Spring, the lawyers at Mincher Koeman will be assisting in teaching the PASHC course for parties who find they need help with learning how to extricate themselves from high conflict situations, and to focus on their children and not their feelings for their ex.

If you feel that the PASHC course might be helpful to you, the experience lawyers at Mincher Koeman LLP would be happy to help you.  Give us a call at (403) 910-3000, or email us at

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Calgary, AB T2P 3H6

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