Good communication is essential during a divorce or separation and it can often make the process easier and cheaper.
Communication is the key to moving things forward. If you don’t communicate, proceedings can take months or even years. In addition, costs will escalate and you may loose control of any decisions. If the matter escalates to court, then a Judge will be forced to decide and your personal information will be discussed in a public courtroom.
While it can be difficult to communicate with someone you’re ending a relationship with, it’s something that has to be done and something you should be willing to do if you want to find a fast and effective solution.
Many people find it difficult to communicate properly. Here are some tips to help you communication throughout the divorce process;
1) Though communication might seem hard, even impossible at the time, you must realize how essential discussions are for a quick resolution and a mutually beneficial arrangement.
2) Speak up and make sure you are voice be heard, express your wishes so they can be addressed, but do not attack the other person. If both parties do this there will be a much better chance that an agreement will be formed that both parties can live with and which will be followed.
3) Most couples dealing with divorce suffer from feelings of resentment and anger. This makes it hard to listen to the other person. If you both choose to understand the others position, there is a reduced chance of escalation, and common ground can hopefully be reached.
4) If you have children, consider their needs. In most cases children need and want to love both of their parents. They do not want to listen to parents speaking negatively to, or about each other.
If you are looking for assistance with any family law matter, please contact Calgary Divorce and Family Lawyer, Lynsey Mincher at or (587) 356 1013
707 7 Ave SW #1300,
Calgary, AB T2P 3H6
621 10 St #101
Canmore, AB T1W 2A2
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