Experienced and Skilled Family Lawyers for Stays and Appeals in Calgary

Appeals can be expensive, but at times they are necessary. Once a trial decision has been granted, you generally have one month to file an appeal. This can be stressful, as you often do not know if you have grounds for an appeal or what steps to take. Appeals are complex and often involve challenging and complicated legal arguments. At Mincher Koeman, we are committed to providing clients with timely opinions about the merits of and potential grounds for an appeal on any family law issue.

If you are considering an appeal of a decision, we are able to offer a number of services to suit any needs. Whether you simply need an opinion or limited assistance in preparing your notice of appeal, or if you require counsel to represent you the entire way through the appeals process, including preparing briefs and submitting arguments on your behalf in front of the court, we have the experience and the skills to provide any level of assistance you may need.

Stays of Enforcement Pending Appeal

When appealing a matter, you may wish to stay, or put on hold, the enforcement of the trial decision pending the outcome of the appeal. Our lawyers will prepare the necessary documentation and file it with the court. The stay will not always be granted if the court finds that to do so would be detrimental to one or more parties. It is important to note that if seeking a stay and appeal due to a change in circumstances for one or more of the parties, it would likely be best to apply to the original court for a variance in the order, rather than seeking an appeal.

Contact the Family Law Lawyers at Mincher Koeman for Experienced and Skilled Advocacy in Appeals

Our family law lawyers will always provide you with candid and forthright advice with respect to seeking an appeal of a family court decision. We will never advise you to proceed with an appeal if the outcome is unlikely to be in your favour. Mincher Koeman understands the significant expense and time commitment an appeal requires, and we will only recommend that path if it seems appropriate under the circumstances. If proceeding with an appeal, our lawyers are fully prepared to represent you through the entire process. We have considerable experience arguing before the Alberta Court of Appeal and we will present a comprehensive case on your behalf. If you would like to discuss the possibility of appealing a previous decision, please contact our office to make an appointment to discuss your matter with one of our lawyers by calling us at 403-910-3000 or by contacting us online.

A team above all. Above all a team.

Calgary Office

707 7 Ave SW #1300,
Calgary, AB T2P 3H6

Canmore Office

621 10 St #101
Canmore, AB T1W 2A2

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