Dividing a Professional Corporation During a Divorce

In the event of a divorce, one of the issues is how to divide the matrimonial property. One or more parties may be self-employed and own a professional corporation, which will be divided into matrimonial property. This includes doctors, lawyers, dentists, and other professionals. The process of determining the value of the professional corporation can… Continue reading Dividing a Professional Corporation During a Divorce

What Happens to Business Assets After a Divorce?

You or your ex-spouse may own a business, which raises the question of what happens to the business’s assets when getting divorced. In this article, we will discuss the concept of “piercing the corporate veil” and how this may have impacted the division of business assets due to a divorce. We will provide key takeaways… Continue reading What Happens to Business Assets After a Divorce?

Dividing Business Interests After Separation or Divorce

The division of property in any divorce or separation can be a complex undertaking. The process can become especially tricky when there are business interests involved. Whether a couple co-owns a small family business or owns or shares a business with others, the task of evaluating and dividing the business can be difficult to navigate.… Continue reading Dividing Business Interests After Separation or Divorce